Publications à comité de lecture 2018

30 papiers recensés


    • Baeza, G. P. (2018). "The Reinforcement Effect in Well-Defined Segmented Copolymers: Counting the Topological Constraints at the Mesoscopic Scale", Macromolecules 51: 1957-1966.
    • Baulin, O., M. Bugnet, D. Fabrègue, A. Lenain, S. Gravier, S. Cazottes, G. Kapelski, B. Ter-Ovanessian, S. Balvay, D. J. Hartmann, J.-M. Pelletier (2018). "Improvement of mechanical, thermal, and corrosion properties of Ni-and Al-free Cu–Zr–Ti metallic glass with yttrium addition", Materialia 1: 249-257.
    • Baulin, O., D. Fabrègue, H. Kato, A. Liens, T. Wada, J.-M. Pelletier (2018). "A new, toxic element-free Mg-based metallic glass for biomedical applications", Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 481: 397-402.
    • Bernard, C. A., T. Deplancke, O. Lame, K. Ogawa, J.-Y. Cavaillé (2018). "Three-dimensional constitutive model for the description of high molecular weight semicrystalline polymers over a large range of temperatures and strain rates: Application to Ultra High Molecular Weight PolyEthylene", European Physical Journal Web Conf. 183: 01016.
    • Cardinal, S., J.-M. Pelletier, G.Q. Xie, F. Mercier (2018). "Manufacturing of Cu-based metallic glasses matrix composites by spark plasma sintering", Materials Science and Engineering: A 711: 405-414.
    • Chal, B., G. Foray, B. Yrieix, K. Masenelli-Varlot, L. Roiban, J.-M. Chenal (2018). "Durability of silica aerogels dedicated to superinsulation measured under hygrothermal conditions", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 272: 61-69.
    • Cougot  N., T. Douillard, F. Dalmas, N. Pradelle, R. Gauthier, C. Sanon, B. Grosgogeat, P. Colon, J. Chevalier (2018). ‘Towards quantitative analysis of enamel erosion by focused ion beam tomography’. Dental Materials 34(11): 289-e300
    • Cui, G., V.A.H. Boudara, Q. Huang, G. P. Baeza, A. J. Wilson, O. Hassager, D. J. Read, J. Mattsson (2018). "Linear shear and nonlinear extensional rheology of unentangled supramolecular side-chain polymers", Journal of Rheology 62: 1155-1174.
    • Dalmas, F., S. Pearson, B. Gary, J.-M. Chenal, E. Bourgeat-Lami, V. Prévot, L. Chazeau (2018).  "Tailored microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite films made from polyacrylic/LDH hybrid latexes synthesized by RAFT-mediated emulsion polymerization", Polymer Chemistry 9: 2590-2600.
    • Ege, K., N. B. Roozen, Q. Leclere, R. G. Rinaldi (2018). "Assessment of the apparent bending stiffness and damping of multilayer plates; modelling and experiment", Journal of Sound and Vibration 426: 129-149.
    • Hamam, Z.,  N. Godin, C. Fusco, T. Monnier (2018). "Acoustic Emission Signal Associated to Fiber Break during a Single Fiber Fragmentation Test: Modeling and Experiment", Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings 8: 394.
    • Jomaa, MH, L. Roiban, D.S. Dhungana, J. Xiao, J.-Y. Cavaillé, L. Seveyrat, L. Lebrun, G. Diguet, K. Masenelli-Varlot (2018). "Quantitative analysis of grafted CNT dispersion and of their stiffening of polyurethane (PU)", Composites Science and Technology 171: 103-110.
    • Koibuchi, H., C. Bernard, J.-M. Chenal, G. Diguet, G. Sebald, J.-Y. Cavaillé, T. Takagi, L. Chazeau (2018). "Mathematical Modeling of Rubber Elasticity", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1141: 012081.
    • Le Gall, T., T. Monnier, C. Fusco, N. Godin, S.-E. Hebaz (2018). "Towards Quantitative Acoustic Emission by Finite Element Modelling: Contribution of Modal Analysis and Identification of Pertinent Descriptors", Applied Sciences 8: 2557.
    • Liens, A., A. Etiemble, P. Rivory, S. Balvay, J.-M. Pelletier, S. Cardinal, D. Fabrègue, H. Kato, P. Steyer, T. Munhoz, J. Adrien, N. Courtois, D. J. Hartmann, J. Chevalier (2018). "On the Potential of Bulk Metallic Glasses for Dental Implantology: Case Study on Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14", Materials 11: 249.
    • Lyu, G.J., J. Qiao, J. Gu, M. Song, J.-M. Pelletier, Y. Yao (2018). "Experimental analysis to the structural relaxation of Ti48Zr20V12Cu5Be15 metallic glass matrix composite", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 769: 443-452.
    • Lyu, G.J., J.C. Qiao, J.-M. Pelletier, Y. Yao (2018). "The dynamic mechanical characteristics of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses and composites", Materials Science and Engineering: A 711: 356-363.
    • Mahaud, M., Z. Zhai, M. Perez, O. Lame, C. Fusco, L. Chazeau, A. Makke, G. Marque, J. Morthomas (2018). "Polymer Chain Generation for Coarse-Grained Models Using Radical-Like Polymerization", Communications in Computational Physics 24: 885-898.
    • Martín-Fabiani, I., M. Liang Koh, F. Dalmas, K. L. Elidottir, S. J. Hinder, I. Jurewicz, M. Lansalot, E. Bourgeat-Lami, J. L. Keddie (2018). "Design of Waterborne Nanoceria/Polymer Nanocomposite UV-Absorbing Coatings: Pickering versus Blended Particles", ACS Applied Nano Materials 1: 3956-3968.
    • Metri, V., A. Louhichi, J. Yan, G. P. Baeza, K. Matyjaszewski, D. Vlassopoulos, W. J. Briels (2018). "Physical Networks from Multifunctional Telechelic Star Polymers: A Rheological Study by Experiments and Simulations",Macromolecules 51: 2872-2886.
    • Nébouy, M., A. de Almeida, S. Brottet, G. P. Baeza (2018). "Process-Oriented Structure Tuning of PBT/PTHF Thermoplastic Elastomers", Macromolecules 51: 6291-6302.
    • Qiao, J. C., Q. Wang, J.-M. Pelletier, Y. Yao (2018). "Relaxation of Ni-free Ti40Zr10Cu36Pd14 bulk metallic glass under mechanical stress", Intermetallics 102: 6-10.
    • Qiao, J. C., J. Cong, Q. Wang, J.-M. Pelletier, Y. Yao (2018). "Effects of iron addition on the dynamic mechanical relaxation of Zr55Cu30Ni5Al10 bulk metallic glasses", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 749: 262-267.
    • Qiao, J. C., Y. X. Chen, J.-M. Pelletier, H. Kato, D. Crespo, Y. Yao, V. A. Khonik (2018). "Viscoelasticity of Cu-and La-based bulk metallic glasses: Interpretation based on the quasi-point defects theory", Materials Science and Engineering: A 719: 164-170.
    • Ravi, K., T. Deplancke, K. Ogawa, J.-Y. Cavaillé, O. Lame (2018). "Understanding deposition mechanism in cold sprayed ultra high molecular weight polyethylene coatings on metals by isolated particle deposition method", Additive Manufacturing 21: 191-200.
    • Silva, C.A.F., L. Manin, R. G. Rinaldi, D. Remond, E. Besnier, M.-A. Andrianoely (2018). "Modeling of power losses in poly-V belt transmissions: Hysteresis phenomena (enhanced analysis)", Mechanism and Machine Theory 121: 373-397.
    • Wang, C. H., Y.J. Hu, J.C. Qiao, J.-M. Pelletier, L.Y. Du, W. Zhai, B. Wei (2018). "Mechanical relaxation behavior of Zr64. 13Cu15. 75Ni10. 12Al10 bulk metallic glass", Materials Science and Engineering: A 738: 57-62.
    • Wongtimnoi, K., J.-Y. Cavaillé, J.-M. Chenal, B. Guiffard, A. Bogner, L. Seveyrat (2018). "Thickness?dependent microstructural and electromechanical properties in polyurethane films obtained by polymer solution casting", Journal of Applied Polymer Science 135:  46981.
    • Xiong, B., O. Lame, R. Seguela, Y. Men (2018). "Micro/macro-stress relationship and local stress distribution in polyethylene spherulites upon uniaxial stretching in the small strain domain", Polymer 140: 215-224.
    • Zhai, W., C. H. Wang, J. C. Qiao, J.-M. Pelletier, F. P. Dai, B. Wei (2018). "Distinctive slow ? relaxation and structural heterogeneity in (LaCe)-based metallic glass", Journal of Alloys and Compounds 742: 536-541.