Eric Maire

+33(0)4 72 43 88 61
Position : Directeur de Recherche
Address : Bâtiment Saint-Exupéry, 3° étage 25 Avenue Jean Capelle 69621 Villeurbanne

Hello and wellcome to my short webpage. I am appointed by the French CNRS (National center for scientific research). I do my research in the MatéIS (material science and engineering) laboratory at INSA in Lyon (FRANCE).I work on many topics, most of them involving in situ experiments in XRay Ccomputed Tomography. I use in situ tensile test to study the damage mechanisms during ductile fracture and the deformation mechanisms of highly porous materialsd.Recently I also focus on additive manufacturing of metals and electrical performance of materials for modern battery electrodes.My achievements in research are summarized (and permanently updated) here.As for management, I am head of the the MATEIS lab (more than 170 members).Eric.My longer webpage here :