Researches, Publications, Thesis/postdoctoral supervision, Teachings
Study by molecular dynamics simulations of the mechanical and thermal behaviors at the micro and macroscopic scale of the different classes of materials: metals, polymers and ceramics.
HAL link / Google Scholar link
25. Enhanced nucleation of bimodal molecular weight distribution polymers: A molecular dynamics study
Zengqiang Zhai, Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco, Michel Perez, and Olivier Lame
European Physics Letters, 2023, 144, 26002
24. Linear, Star, Comb and Ring Crystallizable Multiblock Copolymers Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Morthomas Julien, Viola Veronica, Vallejo-Otero Victor and Baeza Guilhem
Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 13, 4800–4813
23. Mechanistic Understanding of Stickers Aggregation in Supramolecular Polymers: Quantitative Insights from the Plateau Modulus of Triblock Copolymers
Nébouy Matthias, Morthomas Julien, Fusco Claudio, Chazeau Laurent, Jabbari Farouji Sara, Baeza Guilhem
Macromolecules, 2022, 21, 9558–9570
22. Cs diffusion mechanisms in UO2 investigated by SIMS, TEM and atomistic simulations
Clémentine Panetier, Yves PIPON, Clotilde Gaillard, Denis Mangin, Jonathan Amodeo, Julien Morthomas, Thierry Wiss, Alessandro Benedetti, Roland Ducher, Roland
Dubourg and Nathalie Moncoffre
Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022, 156, 044705
21. Microstructural effects on the dynamical relaxation of glasses and glass composites: a molecular dynamics study
Guojiang Lyua, J-C Qiaoa, Yao Yao, Yun-Jiang Wanga, Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco and David Rodney
Acta Materialia, Elsevier, 2021, 220, pp.117293
20. Flow-Induced Crystallization of a Multi-Block Copolymer under Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear: Experiments and Modeling
Matthias Nébouy, Laurent Chazeau, Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco, Philippe Dieudonné-George, and Guilhem Baeza.
Journal of Rheology, 2021, 65, 405
19. Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Modeling of Segmented Block Copolymers: Impact of the Chain Architecture on Crystallization and Morphology
Matthias Nébouy, Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco, Guilhem Pablo Baeza, and Laurent Chazeau
Macromolecules, 2020, 53, 10, pp. 3847–3860.
18. Dynamic correspondence principle in the viscoelasticity of metallic glasses
Guojiang Lyua, J-C Qiaoa, Yao Yao, Jean-Marc Pelletier, David Rodney, Julien Morthomas and Claudio Fusco
Scripta Materialia, 2020, 174, pp. 39-43
17. Disentangling and lamellar thickening of linear polymers during crystallization: simulation of bimodal and unimodal molecular weight distribution systems
Zengqiang Zhai, Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco, Michel Perez and Olivier Lame
ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 10, pp. 11310-11319
16. Inventer l'avenir - L'ingénierie se met au verts - CNRS Edition
Les « grains de vide » des aérogels, matière à construire (chap. 2, Construire le bâtiment durable)
B. Yrieix, B. Chal, E. Maire, L. Roiban, A. Malchere, J. Randrianalisoa, C. L. Martin, P. Chantrenne, J.Amodeo, W. Gonçalves, J. Morthomas and G. Foray
CNRS Edition - Écologie, environnement, sciences de la Terre
15. Crystallization and molecular topology of linear semi-crystalline polymers: simulation of uni- and bimodal molecular weight distribution systems
Zengqiang Zhai, Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco, Michel Perez and Olivier Lame
Macromolecules, 2019, 52, 11, pp. 4196-4208
14. A novel method to predict the thermal conductivity of nanoporous materials from atomistic simulations
Julien Morthomas, William Gonçalves, Michel Perez, Geneviève Foray, Christophe L. Martin and Patrice Chantrenne
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Elsevier, 2019, 516, pp 89-98
13. Ordering of carbon in highly supersaturated alpha-Fe
Osamu Waseda, Julien Morthomas, Fabienne Ribeiro, Patrice Chantrenne, Chad Sinclair and Michel Perez
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 27 (3), 015005
12. Nanocompression of secondary particles of silica aerogel
William Gonçalves, Jonathan Amodeo, Julien Morthomas, Patrice Chantrenne, Michel Perez, Geneviève Foray and Christophe L. Martin
Scripta Materialia, 2018, 157, pp. 157-161
11. Polymer chain generation for coarse-grained models using radical-like polymerization
Morgane Mahaud, Zengqiang Zhai, Michel Perez, Olivier Lame, Claudio Fusco, Laurent Chazeau, Ali Makke, Grégory Marque and Julien Morthomas
Communications in Computational Physics, 2018, 24 (3), pp. 885-898
10. Elasticity and strength of silica aerogels: A molecular dynamics study on large volumes
William Gonçalves, Julien Morthomas, Patrice Chantrenne, Michel Perez, Geneviève Foray and Christophe L. Martin
Acta Materialia, Elsevier, 2018, 145, pp.165 - 174.
9. Crystallization of finite-extensible nonlinear elastic Lennard-Jones coarse-grained polymers
Julien Morthomas, Claudio Fusco, Zengqiang Zhai, Olivier Lame and Michel Perez
Physical Review E , American Physical Society (APS), 2017, 96 (5).
8. Stability of nanocrystalline Ni-based alloys: coupling Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations
O. Waseda, J. Morthomas, G. Goldenstein, G. Silva, A. Neiva, C. Chantrenne, M Perez, C. Becquart and R. Veiga
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing, 2017, 25 (7).
7. Formation of carbon Cottrell atmospheres and their effect on the stress field around an edge dislocation
Osamu Waseda, Roberto Ga Veiga, Julien Morthomas, Patrice Chantrenne, Charlotte S Becquart, Fabienne Ribeiro, Andrei Jelea, Helio Goldenstein and Michel Perez
Scripta Materialia, Elsevier, 2017, 129, pp.16--19.
6. Molecular dynamics simulations of amorphous silica surface properties with truncated Coulomb interactions
William Gonçalves, Julien Morthomas, Patrice Chantrenne, Michel Perez, Geneviève Foray and Christophe L. Martin
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Elsevier, 2016, 447, pp.1 - 8.
3. Hydrodynamic attraction of immobile particles due to interfacial forces
Julien Morthomas and Alois Würger
Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, American Physical Society, 2010, 81, pp.051405.
- Salse Matthieu (09/2022 - ...) - Thesis - ... (Collaboration)
- Wang Junxiong (09/2020 - ...) - Thesis - Molecular dynamics simulation of semicrystalline polymers: from molecular topology to mechanical properties (Co-director)
- Liang Meng (10/2018 - 12/2022) - Thesis - Modeling the mechanical behaviour of bulk metallic glasses under deformation at local scale: molecular origin of structural relaxations and the role of the composition on plasticity (Co-supervisor)
- Guojiang Lyu (10/2016 - 06/2020) - Thesis - Mechanical behaviour of bulk metallic glasses with heterogeneities: a molecular dynamics study (Collaboration, 2 papers)
- Wassim Kassem (10/2018 - 10/2019) - Postdoctoral research - Water surface effects on the mechanical properties of silica aerogels: a molecular dynamics study (Supervisor)
- Matthias Nebouy - (10/2017 - 12/2020) - Thesis - Experience/simulation dual approach of the dynamic properties of thermoplastic elastomers (Collaboration, 1 paper)
- Clémentine Panetier (09/2016 - 11/2019 ) - Thesis - Study of the behavior of Cs and Ba fission products and their interactions with Mo in stoichiometric and superstoichiometric UO2 - (Collaboration)
- Zengqiang Zhaï (10/2015 - 09/2019) - Thesis - Nanostructured semi-crystalline polymers : from molecular dynamics (Co-supervisor, 4 papers)
- Morgane Mahaud (09/2013 - 06/2017) - Thesis - Molecular dynamics study of the mechanical behavior and rupture of irradiated elastomers (Co-director, 1 paper)
- Osamu Waseda (09/2013 - 12/2016) - Thesis - Atomic scale investigation of aging in metals (Co-director, 3 papers)
- William Gonçalves (09/2013 - 11/2016) - Thesis - Study of the mechanical properties of silica aerogels: modeling in molecular dynamics (Co-encadrant, 3 papers)
- Inas Issa (09/2012 - 01/2016) - Thesis - In situ TEM nanocompression and mechanical analysis of ceramic nanoparticles (Collaboration, 1 paper)
- Jonathan Amodeo (09/2013 - 09/2015) - Postdoctoral research - In situ investigation of MgO nanocube deformation at room temperature (Supervisor, 1 paper)
- Deyana Tchitchekova (01/2012 - 09/2013) - Postdoctoral research - A novel method for calculating the energy barriers for carbon diffusion in ferrite under heterogeneous stress (Co-supervisor, 1 paper)
- Materials Departement - second undergraduate cycle of INSA Lyon
+ Lecture on Numeric Techniques for Ingineer - Python (60h of tutorial) - 3rd year
+ Material pratical (48h) - 3rd year
+ Numeriacl Material (40h tutorial, 48h projects ) - 4th year
+ Data processing and Artificial Intelligence (4h of lectures, 4h of tutorial and 8h of project) - 5th year
+ In charge of end of study projects 5th year
- Initial Engineering Training Departement (FIMI)
+ Supervisor of P2I-7 : Numerical Modeling for the Engineer- 2nd year (P2I = Multidisciplinary Initiation to Engineering Course)
- lecture on Particles dynamics (20h tutorial)
- small-Projects (12h) eand Projects (70h) - Supervisor- 2nd year
+ Software Systems and Tools (28h of tutorial) - 1st year
+ Mathematical and numerical tools for engineers (55h tutorial) - 1st year