Formation interne

Au sein du laboratoire sont proposées des formations à destination des doctorants et enseignants-chercheurs internes ou externes. Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste de ces différentes formations.

  • Write a document in LaTEX - Jordi SEUBA
    This presentation covers in a simple manner the fundamental knowledge necessary to write a relatively complex document (in length and layout) in LaTEX. First, it briefly introduces the language,  advantages and disadvantages compared with Word,  and an installation guide of required software. Afterwards, it explains how to structure a document through examples with increasing difficulty and provides links to websites and complementary software useful for begginers users.  This presentation aims to give the basic tools to students (particularly PhD. and Master students)  and encourage them to give the first steps on text processing with LaTEX.
  • Introduction to Molecular Dynamics simulation - J. MORTHOMAS, M. PEREZ, J. AMODEO and P. CHANTRENNE